Assessment at Edward Betham
The National Picture
The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) is a statutory assessment. It provides a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school. At the end of Reception, teachers complete the EYFS profile which is a statutory assessment of children’s development at the end of the early years foundation stage and is made up of an assessment of the child’s outcomes in relation to the 17 early learning goals (ELGs). It is intended to provide a reliable, valid, and accurate assessment of each child’s development at the end of the EYFS.
Pupils complete statutory assessments against national expectations at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Year 6) and individual pupil results are reported to parents. At the end of Year 6 these results are in the form of a scaled score. Year 1 pupils complete a Phonics Check in June, which assesses their ability to read words and non-words using decoding skills. Pupils in Year 4 complete a Multiplication Check during the Summer Term.
Assessment at Edward Betham
At Edward Betham, each year group follows the National Curriculum programme of study for each subject. Teachers use the programmes of study to plan units of work which develop and build on pupil skills, knowledge and understanding.
We expect the majority of pupils to demonstrate a secure understanding of key skills and knowledge of their year group's programmes of study by the end of each academic year.
How do we measure pupil progress against national age-related expectations?
Throughout the year, teachers will gather evidence of pupil progress against the National Curriculum programmes of study. Evidence will consist of pupils’ verbal response in class, written work and test outcomes. Evidence is moderated across classes and with other primary school settings.
The evidence will be used to regularly measure if a pupil is on track to achieve end of year age-related expectations. This will be the case for the majority of pupils. Some pupils will be on track to exceed end of year expectations and some will not be on track and may be working below age-related expectations at the end of the year.
Pupil progress is regularly reviewed at Pupil Attainment Meetings. Teachers discuss and review pupil progress with a member of the Senior Leadership Team by presenting evidence.
Pupils who are not on track are targeted to make accelerated progress through timely in class interventions and teacher guidance.
What can I do to support my child’s progress?
At parent/carer consultation meetings, you will be informed if your child is on track to achieve age-related expectations by the end of the year. You will be told which areas, in Reading, Writing and Maths, require further reinforcement .
Essential Skills
In Maths, your child should have a secure grasp of number bonds to 20 by the end of Year 1 and a secure, confident knowledge of times tables 2-12 by the end of Year 4. Without these essential skills, your child may struggle to make required progress in other areas of Maths learning.
In Reading, it is essential for every child to read daily to develop fluency and understanding of text. Pupils should have frequent opportunity to discuss texts with adults at home to develop comprehension skills (based on questions about character, plot, predictions)
In Writing, practice of spelling, punctuation and composition are essential to progress. Reading for pleasure is shown to be the best way that pupils can develop their written composition. Reading for pleasure is encouraged and prioritised within the school.