The Edward Betham C of E Primary School

Online Safety

This is the Internet Safety Guidance advice from the Thinkuknow website.

  1. Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends they do not know offline. 
  2. Explain to your children what information about them is personal: i.e. email address, mobile number, school name, sports club, arrangements for meeting up with friends and any pictures or videos of themselves, their family or friends. Small pieces of information can easily be pieced together to form a comprehensive insight into their lives and daily activities. 
  3. Make your children aware that they need to think carefully about the information and pictures they post on their profiles. Inform them that once published online, anyone can change or share these images of them.
  4. It can be easy to forget that the internet is not a private space, and as result sometimes young people engage in risky behaviour online. Advise your children not to post any pictures, videos or information on their profiles, or in chat rooms, that they would not want a parent or carer to see. 
  5. If your child receives spam or junk email and texts, remind them never to believe their contents, never reply to them and never use them. 
  6. It's not a good idea for your child to open files that are from people they don't know. They won't know what they contain - it could be a virus, or worse - an inappropriate image or film. 
  7. Help your child to understand that some people lie online and that therefore it's better to keep online mates online. They should never meet up with any strangers without an adult they trust. 
  8. Always keep communication open for a child to know that it's never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable.
  9. Keeping the computer in a family room means that you can share your child’s online experience – and that they are less likely to act inappropriately  (i.e. via webcam).

Useful websites:

Our Online Safety rules: Nursery and Reception

We use digital technology in school for good learning. We tell our teacher or our adult if we see anything on the computer we don’t like.

Our Online Safety rules: Infant Department

  • I will only use devices, apps, sites or games if a trusted adult says I can.
  • I will be kind and friendly online. I tell someone if my friends need help.
  • I will follow the PANTS rules offline and online.
  • I will not tell other people my digital technology passwords OR use anyone else’s password.
  • I will only open/delete my own files.
  • I will make sure that all digital technology contact with others is responsible, polite and sensible.
  • I will tell a trusted adult if I see anything online that I am unhappy with or if I receive messages I don’t like. I will not delete the messages.
  • I will not give my address, phone number or a photo or video to anyone when I use digital technology.
  • I will be responsible for my behaviour when using digital technology because I know that these rules are to keep me safe.

Our Online Safety rules: Junior Department

  • I will only use digital technology in school for schoolwork and home learning.
  • I will only open messages from people I know, or who my teacher has approved.
  • I will not tell other people my digital technology passwords OR use anyone else’s.
  • I will only use the devices, apps, sites and games I am allowed to and when I am allowed to, at home or school. I tell my parents/carers what I do online.
  • I will not share or say anything that I know would upset another person or they wouldn’t want shared. If a friend is worried or needs help, I remind them to talk to an adult, or even do it for them.
  • I will follow the PANTS rules offline and online.
  • I will tell my teacher if I see anything on apps, sites or games that I am unhappy with or if I receive emails I don’t like.
  • I will not give out my own details such as my name, phone number, home address, email address or social media account details.  I will not arrange to meet someone unless this is part of a school project approved by my teacher and a responsible adult comes with me.
  • I will be careful when someone wants to be my friend. Unless I have met them face to face, I can’t be sure who they are.
  • I will be responsible for my behaviour when using digital technology because I know that these rules are to keep me safe. 
  • I know that my use of digital technology can be checked and my parent/carer contacted if a member of school staff is concerned about my Online Safety. 

Our Netiquette rules

  • We treat others the way we would like to be treated – the messages we send are friendly and polite.
  • We use nicknames or online names when we email or talk to people online, unless we have met that person in real life.
  • We never send messages pretending to be someone else.
  • We check our messages carefully before we send them so that we don’t hurt other people’s feelings.
  • If we see or hear of anyone being unkind or hurtful, we tell a trusted adult.
  • We check any addresses, including email addresses, carefully so that messages go to the right person.
  • If we use the Internet for home learning, we include the web site address of where we found the information. We use safe search tools that our trusted adults say we can.

Help for Parents/Carers

Digital Parenting

Use Vodaphone's resources and support to help you make the right digital choices for your family.

NSPCC and o2

The NSPCC and o2 offer advice through Net Aware, a guide to the latest apps, games and social media sites children are using.

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media provides education and advocacy to families to promote safe technology and media for children.


Report online abuse/inappropriate messages/threats to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP). 

How to Google safely

Click here to find out how to Google safely.

Our Online Safety newsletter

Betham News issue 20 - 7th February 2022