The Edward Betham C of E Primary School

School Uniform

The Edward Betham CofE Primary School is a school uniform school.

All children are expected to dress smartly for school and have the correct P.E. kit.

We place importance and value on our school uniform both as a mark of pride in the school and as positive identification within our local community. Our uniform promotes a sense of equality and belonging. We expect pupils to wear the correct uniform at all times during the school day, on school trips and when representing the school at extra-curricular events.

The school colours are red, grey and white.

Cardigans and sweatshirts

  • Red sweatshirt/cardigan with the school badge

Blouses and shirts

  • White blouse/shirt/polo shirt (with or without the school badge)

Dresses, shorts, skirts and trousers

  • Grey skirt or pinafore dress
  • Red and white dress in the Summer months (gingham) - knee length
  • Grey school trousers or shorts

Footwear, socks and tights

  • Black, flat school shoes (no boots)
  • Children may change into trainers (black or white) for playground games and sports
  • White, black or dark-coloured flat, plain sandals are acceptable in the Summer months (worn with socks)  
  • Grey, black or white ankle socks               
  • White, grey or red knee-length socks
  • Red, grey or black tights

It is vital that all clothes and belongings are clearly named. This means that mislaid articles can be returned to the owner without delay. Other items of Infant or Junior lost property are put into the two Welfare rooms. Lost property is displayed towards the end of each term and unclaimed articles are disposed of after a period of time. 

P.E. kits

  • White T-shirt (with or without the school badge)
  • Red sports shorts
  • Black or white trainers (for outdoors), black plimsolls (for indoors)
  • Black jogging top and jogging bottoms for winter

All kit is plain: no designer or sportswear logos or labels



The wearing of jewellery is not permitted other than a wristwatch; smartwatches and fitness trackers are not permitted. Pupils with pierced ears may only wear plain gold stud earrings (one per ear lobe). Other forms of body piercing jewellery are not permitted.

Parents/carers whose children are required to wear jewellery (e.g. bangle) for religious reasons should provide a note informing the school of this requirement.

All jewellery must be removed or secured for P.E. lessons.


Pupils may not wear make-up to school including nail varnish on fingernails/toenails.


Long hair must be tied back throughout the school day. Hairbands should be simple (without attachments, e.g. no bows) and in school colours (red, grey, black). Pupils are not permitted to have markings shaved into haircuts nor have ‘extreme’ haircuts (e.g. mohicans).

Where can I buy school uniform?

The Edward Betham Friends' Association hold pre-loved uniform sales throughout the year - please check the school calendar for further details.

School uniform, P.E. bags and book bags can also be purchased from:

17 The Broadway

School Uniform Price List

Labelling items

Please ensure every item of your child’s clothing - including gloves and hats - is labelled with their name. This ensures items can be returned to their owner and saves time when getting ready to go outside. Why not try Stikins? These are multi-purpose stick-on name labels for clothes, shoes, lunchboxes, and other school items. Purchasing Stikins also raises money for our school (our fundraising number is 6653).