At Edward Betham, our mathematics curriculum is designed to ensure that all children develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, and become fluent in the fundamentals of the subject. We believe that mathematics is a vital part of children's development and underpins much of our daily lives and our future as individuals and collectively. We aim for a ‘Mastery’ approach, which enables children to spend longer on key mathematical concepts, most noticeably number. The approach primarily consists of five ideas: Representation and Structure, Variation, Mathematical thinking, Fluency, and Coherence. We encourage our pupils to express their mathematical reasoning and use precise mathematical vocabulary to justify their answers. Children learn problem-solving techniques, including how to break problems down into simpler steps. They develop a strong understanding of how to move fluently between different representations of mathematical ideas, using concrete, pictorial, and abstract demonstrations of their understanding. Ultimately, our mathematics curriculum aims to provide children with a foundation for understanding the world around them, while challenging them to grow in their love of Maths.
- Across EYFS mathematical learning is embedded within continuous provision and focused adult led learning as one of the seven main areas of learning
- Nursery: Maths regularly across the week. Short whole class carpet sessions introduce new concepts and adult-led activities embed the new learning, independent Maths activities available daily. Songs and rhymes are help children recognise and remember number patterns
- Reception: Every week children will have an opportunity to complete a focused Maths activity with an adult. New concepts are introduced in morning Maths carpet sessions. Short daily number-focused carpet sessions take place every afternoon
- Across the school, mathematical vocabulary is introduced explicitly and then embedded in teaching. Pupils have opportunities to use the new vocabulary to explain their thinking. Sentence stems are used to structure pupil talk and expert teacher questioning identifies any misconceptions which need addressing within the lesson
- In Nursery, teachers follow the Mastering the Curriculum overview which begins the journey towards mastery. This prepares children well for the White Rose curriculum which is followed from Reception- Year 6. Lessons and resources are adapted to meet the needs of the cohort.
- The White Rose Maths scheme is used as a basis for lessons from Reception to Year 6 although teachers will adapt the content to meet the needs of the cohort. We focus on securing number skills first and new learning is introduced in small, linked steps to enable pupils to build a deep understanding before progressing. All blocks include opportunities to practise fluency, reasoning, and problem solving
- All pupils from Year 1- Year 6 have 5 hours of Maths lessons each week
- Prior learning revisited regularly with mental starters and gap analysis used to identify key areas of focus in the different year groups. Opportunities are planned to practise mental Maths and to embed times tables facts with instant recall
- The school's calculations framework is used to ensure consistent and progressive teaching of the four operations
- SOLO Taxonomy is use to structure lessons so that there is a clear progression of challenge throughout the lesson. Pupils of all abilities are supported to complete the work of the lessons which are structured: Practise, Use and Apply, Reason and Explain, Depth. The teacher adapts their teaching approach to scaffold the learning of pupils who require more support
- The school uses the concrete, pictorial, and abstract approach to enable pupils to understand the Maths at a deeper level. Concrete manipulatives are used to support pupils to solve problems. A range of teaching resources are used to support the learning in class.
- The teacher reviews all learning daily and identifies areas to consolidate in future lessons. Misconceptions are addressed promptly. In KS2, pupils are guided to mark their work each lesson so that they receive instant feedback.
- Frequent formative assessment allows for quality first teaching, timely in-class interventions and in class support which moves key pupils forward in their learning so that pupils are able to retain and build on prior learning.
Ongoing assessment in EYFS allows teachers to identify those pupils who are not on track to meet the Early Learning Goal. Future plans are adapted to meet individual needs. Across the school, regular assessment informs teachers of pupil progress. Assessment takes place daily using success criteria related to SOLO Taxonomy, at the end of each block using White Rose assessments and termly in years 1-5 through the use of National Test-style Standardised Assessment (NTS) which gives a standardised score and is gap analysed to show areas needing further work. Year 6 pupils complete mock SATs-style assessments four times a year. As a result of high expectations and rigorous teaching, by the end of KS2, pupils have developed fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills and can explain their reasoning using precise mathematical vocabulary. By the end of Year 6 most pupils achieve at least the expected national standard in the end of key stage assessments, with many reaching the greater depth standard due to their reasoning and problem-solving abilities. They are well-prepared for a smooth transition into the KS3 Mathematics curriculum.
Key Documents
Click on the links below
Mathematics National Curriculum Programme of Study
Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy - White Rose Maths
Multiplication and Division Calculation Policy - White Rose Maths