At Edward Betham we recognise the importance of language learning in a modern, interconnected world. We want our children to be excited at the opportunities they are given to communicate in a foreign language. Our language learning is based on the Language Angels curriculum which is relevant, broad, vibrant and ambitious. Pupils are given opportunities to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts and study a wide variety of topics and themes. We want all pupils to experience success in French and lay down solid foundations for future language learning.
Teachers guide all pupils to develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign languages, encouraging them to see them as enjoyable and stimulating. Through the study of another language we offer pupils the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them and thus a better awareness of self, others and cultural differences.
- The EYFS French curriculum is centred around songs and basic greetings
- From Year 1-6 the curriculum is structured to progressively develop pupil skills in foreign languages
- Lessons are taught weekly for 30 minutes by the class teacher
- Children build, use and apply vocabulary, language skills and grammatical knowledge organised around age-appropriate topics and theme
- Early Language units are entry level units and are taught to KS1 and Year 3 pupils or pupils. Intermediate units increase the level of challenge by increasing the amount and complexity (including foreign language grammar concepts) of the foreign language presented to pupils. Intermediate units are suitable for Year 4-5 pupils or pupils with embedded basic knowledge of the foreign language. Year 6 pupils study Progressive units
- Children are taught how to listen and read longer pieces of text gradually in the foreign language and they will have ample opportunities to speak, listen to, read and write the language being taught with and without scaffolds, frames and varying levels of support.
Units, where possible and appropriate, will be linked to class topics and cross curricular themes.
Children will build on previous knowledge gradually as their foreign language lessons continue to recycle, revise and consolidate previously learnt language whilst building on all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Knowledge and awareness of required and appropriate grammar concepts will be taught throughout all units at all levels of challenge.
Pupils have the support of vocabulary sheets to prompt them when using prior knowledge in an existing unit. Teachers have a unit planner to show them the National Curriculum expectations for each unit of work
- Five units of work are taught across the year to enable pupils to embed the learning effectively. A six lesson unit of work may take longer than six weeks to teach.
- All classes are taught by a non-specialist teacher who has access to full support materials to enable effective teaching of French in every classroom
- The subject lead provides ongoing support for teachers. There is an expectation that teachers will seek to develop their own subject knowledge and skills in order to highlight key skills and develop children’s progress in a foreign language
Children at Edward Betham enjoy French. Pupils will continuously build on their previous knowledge as they progress in their foreign language learning journey through the primary phase. Previous language will be recycled, revised, recalled and consolidated whenever possible and appropriate. End of unit assessments are used to enable both pupils and teachers to track their progress. As they progress through the school, children will be able to understand longer pieces of French in reading and listening comprehensions. They will create longer pieces of spoken and written language and are encouraged to use a variety of conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives, opinions and justifications. The impact of the curriculum is reviewed regularly by class teachers through ongoing assessment and by the subject leader who plans CPD to develop the subject further. It is expected that the majority of our pupils will meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for French.
Key Documents
National Curriculum Programme of Study for Modern Foreign Languages