The Edward Betham C of E Primary School



Our science curriculum aims to provide children with the skills and desire to develop a deep understanding of the world around them. We promote science as a process of enquiry and nurture a healthy curiosity of our world and beyond, encouraging pupils to seek different ways to answer their own questions. We hold scientific skills at the heart of our teaching, whist developing scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Children experience hands-on science through classroom investigations as well as through day trips that support classroom learning. We are committed to providing a stimulating, engaging and challenging learning environment where learning is regularly revisited and vocabulary discussed so that links can be more easily made.  We aim to equip children with an understanding of the implications of science today and for the future.


  • In EYFS, Understanding the World (including Science) is taught once a week. Science topics covered include Animals and their Young, Experimenting with Colour, Materials, Solids and Liquids and The Solar System. This takes the form of a whole class carpet session and then an adult led focused activity. Planning is based on the Development Matters statements but can also be guided by the children’s current interests. Teachers work with KS1 colleagues to ensure that the curriculum provides a solid foundation for KS1 Science teaching.  Independent Understanding the World activities are provided once a week. 
  • Teachers have planned our Science Curriculum to meet the National Curriculum objectives for each year group. In KS1 Science is taught weekly for 1 hour and 20 minutes. In KS2 Science is taught weekly for 1 and 35 minutes.
  • A knowledge organiser for each unit taught supports learning in the topic and highlights key vocabulary.  
  • At the start of each lesson, children complete a recall activity to embed knowledge and vocabulary from the previous lesson. Plans refer to learning in previous year groups and pupils build on prior learning as they progress through their science journey. 
  • Key vocabulary and learning from each topic is displayed in the classroom alongside interactive questions. Children are encouraged to answer these as their knowledge grows using sticky notes.
  • Trips and visits are planned to support and deepen learning around specific scientific topics. Links with local high schools are promoted to ensure a cohesive cross stage curriculum
  • Each lesson is structured around SOLO Taxonomy. Pupil outcomes are linked to these success criteria.  Every lesson pupils are expected to reach the ‘Relational’ level of learning. Pupils are encouraged, either within the lesson or through marking, to use what they have learnt to achieve the extended abstract level criteria. This requires pupils to apply what they have learnt within the lesson or topic to a new context. These answers provide evidence of pupils working at Greater Depth.  Teachers may scribe discussion answers in books as additional evidence, especially where children are unable to show their full understanding through their written work. SOLO Taxonomy self-assessment strips are used by staff as an assessment opportunity to help gain an understanding of a pupil’s knowledge and progression.
  • Pupils with SEND are supported to access the science curriculum through high quality teaching and well chosen scaffolding activities
  • Staff plan key questions carefully to prompt deep discussion and ensure work is demanding for all groups of pupils. Targeted questioning and class discussion is used to deepen pupils understanding.
  • Subject knowledge is taught in practical and enquiry-based ways, where possible, to encourage independent scientific thinking. This could include through observations, fair tests, problem-solving, identifying and classifying, pattern seeking and research.
  • Photographs of children working scientifically are stuck into books regularly and at least once for each unit of work. The skills of working scientifically are built year on year
  • CPD for all staff takes place at least twice a year. New ideas for making science learning engaging and practical are discussed as well as revisiting expectations for science. This ensures a consistent approach across all year groups.
  • Science planning and books are looked at by the science coordinator at least once per term. The coordinator ensures that there is progression and consistency across year groups and this is also used to identify areas to cover during CPD.


In EYFS pupils are assessed termly in Understanding the World using the Development Matters statements. Pupil progress is assessed after each teaching session and future plans are adapted to meet the needs of individual children. SOLO Taxonomy self-assessment strips are used weekly by staff as an assessment opportunity to help gain an understanding of knowledge and progression.  There is a clear progression of skills across Key Stage 1 and 2 that builds on prior knowledge that can be demonstrated in books. Children develop enquiry skills and have opportunities to carry out their own investigations within a topic and present the findings in a variety of ways. Children will link their scientific learning to opportunities for school development eg. School Council comment on how to make school dinners and pack lunches healthier Ongoing formative assessment includes high quality questioning, teacher observations - particularly around children’s verbal contributions, peer talk and collaborative learning as well as written outcomes from lessons.  The attainment of pupils is recorded termly. Once per term teachers record the attainment level of pupils and progress is tracked across the year. It is expected that the majority of our pupils will meet or exceed the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for Science.

Key documents

Science Curriculum and Progression Map

Science National Curriculum Programmes of Study