Voluntary Contributions - The Governors' School Maintenance Fund
Voluntary Contributions
Voluntary contributions from parents and carers to our Governors’ School Maintenance Fund help us to accommodate increased costs, budgetary pressures and our ambitions to deliver outstanding educational facilities for all our pupils. School investments in recent years include a new boiler for our Nursery, complete refurbishment of our Year 4 classroom and corridor area including a new cloakroom, replacement of carpets in our Year 6 classroom and redecoration of our Junior Hall.
Pupils enjoy the benefits of these facilities and support, all of which significantly enhance the vision and ethos of our school.
What is the Governors’ School Maintenance Fund?
Most Governing Bodies of church schools manage their own fund to support the school which includes the maintenance of buildings. Parents and carers are asked to make a voluntary contribution to this fund, to alleviate pressures on our school mainstream budget which is already significantly stretched.
Is it the same as the EBFA?
No. As a voluntary aided school, Edward Betham has an obligation to pay for at least 10% of capital/premises related works carried out. Voluntary Parental/Carers Contributions are the way we raise the income to meet this requirement. The income collected is kept separate from the school’s other income and is paid into the ‘Governors’ School Maintenance Fund’.
The EBFA charity enhances our children’s learning and play through purchasing items such as new reading books, new IT equipment and funding outdoor play areas, as they have done so in recent years.
What is the Governors' School Maintenance Fund used for?
The fund is used by the Governing Board to cover:
- External and internal refurbishment
- Ongoing maintenance work to the buildings, which can include property developments and general upkeep;
- Contributions to any capital expenditure over £2000
- Governor’s expenditure i.e. Clerking Fees
- Discretionary items such as pupil hardship, facility enrichment, staff development and retention
- It ensures we create and maintain the best school infrastructure as possible – for our current and future pupils. Church schools have operated maintenance funds for decades, and there are parts of our school that can significantly benefit the children of Edward Betham for years to come.
How should I pay?
Your requested contribution equates to £1.15 per week per child. The easiest way to make your contribution is via standing order, electronic bank transfer or through our School Gateway system.
Per child this is equivalent to
£60 per child per year
£5 per month
£1.15 per week
16p per day
You’ll notice Governance School Maintenance Fund contributions in your School Gateway options, or you can pay via electronic transfer (one off or standing order). We strongly encourage you to Gift Aid your contribution if you pay UK taxes (please fill in relevant section on School Gateway App.) Donating through Gift Aid means that as a registered charity, the school can claim an extra 25p from HMRC for every £1 you give. It won’t cost you any extra.
If you are paying directly into the Governors’ Fund Bank Account, please ensure that your payment includes your child’s name, class, and 2024 as the starting year of your standing order to Edward Betham. e.g. JaydenSmith/5CC/2024.
Our bank details are:
Account Name: Edward Betham School Governors Account
Account Sort Code: 30-92-82
Account Number: 02172501
On behalf of the children and our school community, thank you in advance for your contribution to the Governors’ School Maintenance Fund and your ongoing support to our school.
Edward Betham Governing Board